We are temporarily suspending shipping products until February 1, 2025.


Honesty and transparency are important to us. All our products have completely transparent labeling, meaning there are no hidden ingredients. No hidden ingredients means there isn’t something labeled as one item when it’s actually made of several different ingredients. All ingredients we have listed on each product are single source items.



Raw Goat Milk

Rice Milk*

Hemp Milk*


Bee Products

Raw Honey




Unrefined Shea Butter*

Fair Trade Unrefined Cocoa Butter*

Mango Butter*



Calendula Extract*

Ginseng Extract*

Pineapple Extract



Epsom Salt

Himalayan Pink Salt

Menthol Crystals



Thanaka Powder

Olive Leaf Powder

Ginger Powder*

Matcha Powder *

Hemp Powder*

Cinnamon Powder*

Spirulina Powder*



Calcium Bentonite Clay

Rhassoul (Moroccan) Clay

Rose Clay

White Kaolin Clay


Herbs and Spices

Lavender Flowers*

Non-Irradiated Cloves*

St. Johns Wort

Cayenne Pepper*






Cold Pressed Sweet Almond Oil*

Castor Oil*

Extra Virgin Olive Oil*

Grapefruit Essential Oil

Sustainable Palm Oil*

Palm Kernel Oil*

Virgin Coconut Oil*

Virgin Avocado Oil*

Unrefined Hemp Oil*

Helichrysum Essential Oil*

Sunflower Oil* 

Virgin Hempseed Oil*

Golden Jojoba Oil*

Unrefined Red Raspberry Oil*

Cold Pressed Rosehip Oil*

Virgin Prickly Pear Seed Oil*

Virgin Sea Buckthorn Oil*

Virgin Sacha Inchi Oil*

Virgin Argan Oil*

Virgin Tamanu Oil*

Virgin Neem Oil*

Rosemary Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 

Tangerine Essential Oil

Lemongrass Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Frankincense Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil

Clove Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Cinnamon Essential Oil



Other Ingredients

Lye or Sodium Hydroxide - "No lye, no soap!" -  Lye is a chemical compound (NaOH) essential to the saponification process that produces hard soap. 

Citric Acid

Baking Soda

Raw Oats*

Activated Charcoal of Coconut Shell*

Fresh Ground Coffee* 




*USDA Certified Organic